Thursday, May 22, 2014

Conspiracy Theory

When I read an article posted by Mike Adams of Natural News, on Global Research entitled, “Conspiracy Theorist”, The Derogatory Smear Phrase, I couldn’t help myself by posting the portions I considered relevant here. Thanks for the insight, Mike.


The phrase “conspiracy theorist” is a derogatory smear phrase thrown at someone in an attempt to paint them as a lunatic. It’s a tactic frequently used by modern-day thought police in a desperate attempt to demand “Don’t go there!” The pejorative “conspiracy theorist” is meant to demean and ridicule skeptics of official stories. The correct term for “conspiracy theorist” should really be “conspiracy analyst.” When people analyze conspiracies, they are “theorizing” about what happened. This is, in fact, precisely the job that police detectives and FBI agents carry out almost daily. People who are not skeptics of “official stories” tend to be dull-minded. To believe everything these institutions tell you is a sign of mental retardation. To ask questions, on the other hand, is a sign of higher intelligence and wisdom. And remember: the next time someone flings the phrase “conspiracy theorist” in your direction simply know that they are effectively wearing a DUNCE hat on their heads by admitting they have failed to acknowledge that true conspiracies are rather commonplace.
 As any state or federal prosecutor will gladly tell you, a “conspiracy” is simply when two or more people plot to commit an act of deceit (or a crime).
Thus, when three hoodlums plan to rob the local Quickie Mart, they are engaged in a “conspiracy” and will likely be charged with a “conspiracy to commit armed robbery” in addition to the different crime of “armed robbery.” The fact that they planned it with several friends makes it a “conspiracy” worthy of additional felony charges, you see. When these charges are brought up in court, the judge doesn’t look at the prosecutor and say, “You are a conspiracy theorist!” That would be absurd.
The idea, then, that there is no such thing as a conspiracy, is flatly ludicrous. And people who condemn others as being “conspiracy theorists” only make themselves look mentally impaired.

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