Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Richard Nixon and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

I was going through my Black Op Radio material that I’ve downloaded and I ran across this interesting tidbit from Lance deHaven-Smith (#628 2013-05-02), author of Conspiracy Theory in America ( on Richard Nixon’s statement made to a professor in Moscow regarding the assassination of President Kennedy.
When Richard Nixon visited Moscow after the Kennedy assassination and before he ran for president in ‘68, a professor in Moscow asked Nixon “what do we tell our people and our students here about the American government and people after President Kennedy gets assassinated? You’re a freedom-loving people, and yet this leader is assassinated and nothing happens, and it’s not investigated carefully.”
And Nixon says, “Well, I could ask you what happened to your KGB head [Lavrentiy] Beria, or what happened to Trostsky who was assassinated?”
The upshot of this was that Nixon was saying, in effect, that Kennedy was like Trotsky. He got on the “outs” with the ruling powers and they took him out.
Vince Salandria, a Philadelphia attorney, came to the same conclusion early on.

ADDENDUM: In the 1960s, anyone who ran against Richard Nixon, or was a threat to run against him, got shot: John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and George Wallace. Strange, huh?