Discussion on the
Formation of the Warren Commission
November 29, 1963 1:40
LBJ: Are you familiar with
this proposed group that they’re trying to put together on this study of your
report and other things … two from the House, two from the Senate, somebody from
the Court, a couple of outsiders?
JEH: I haven’t heard of
that. I’ve seen the reports on the Senate Investigating Committee that they’ve
been talking about.
LBJ: Well, we think if we
don’t have … I want to get by just with your file and your
JEH: I think it would very,
very bad to have a rash of investigations on this thing.
LBJ: Well, the only way we
can stop them is probably to appoint a high-level one to evaluate your report
and put somebody that’s pretty good on it that I can select, out of the
government, and tell the House and Senate not to go ahead with their
investigations because they’ll get a lot of television going and I think it
would be bad.
JEH: That’s right, it would be a three-ring circus.
LBJ: What do you think
about Allen
JEH: I think he would be a
good man.
LBJ: What do you think
about John McCloy?
JEH: I’m not as
enthusiastic about McCloy. I knew him back in the
Patterson … when Patterson was down here as Secretary He’s a good man but I’m
not so certain as to the matter of the publicity that he might seek on
LBJ: What about General
JEH: Good
LBJ: All right. I guess Boggs has started it in the House. I
thought maybe I might try to get Boggs and Jerry Ford, in the House. Maybe try to
get Dick Russell and maybe Cooper in the
JEH: Yes, I think
LBJ: I don’t know … you
know any reason … me and you are just going to talk like brothers … any reason …
I thought Russell could kind of look after the general situation … see that the
states …
JEH: Russell would be an
excellent man.
LBJ: And I thought Cooper
might look after the liberal group from Kentucky so they wouldn’t think … He’s a
pretty judicious fellow but he’s a pretty liberal fellow. I wouldn’t want Javits or some
of those on it …
JEH: No, no, no. Javits plays the front page a lot.
LBJ: Cooper is kind of
border-state; not the South and not the North.
JEH: That’s
LBJ: Do you know Ford from
JEH: I know of him but I
don’t know him. I saw him on TV for the first time the other night and he
handled himself well on that.
LBJ: You know
JEH: Oh, yes, I know
LBJ: He’s kind of the
author of the resolution that’s why … Now Walter tells me -- Walter Jenkins -- that you’ve
designated Deke to work with us like
you did on the Hill and I want to tell you I sure appreciate that. I didn’t ask
for it cause I didn’t -- I know you know how to run your business better than
anybody else -- I just want to tell you though that we consider him as
high-class as you do and it is a mighty gracious thing to do and we’ll be mighty
happy. We salute you for knowing how to pick good men.
JEH: Well, that’s mighty
nice of you Mr. President, indeed. We hope to have this thing wrapped up today
but could be we probably won’t get it until the first of the week. This angle in
Mexico is giving us a great deal of trouble because the story is they have this
man Oswald getting $6,500 from the Cuban Embassy and then coming back to this
country with it. We’re not able to prove that fact but the information was that
he was there in the 18th of September in Mexico City and we are able
to prove conclusively that he was in New Orleans that day. Now then they’ve
changed the dates. The story came in changing the dates to the 28th
of September and he was in Mexico City on the 28th. Now the Mexican
authorities, Mexican police have again arrested this woman Duran, who is a member of the Cuban
Embassy and will hold her for two or three more days and we’re going to confront
her with the original informant. She saw the money pass, so he says, and we’re
also going to put the lie detector test on him. Meantime, of course, Capitol is
hollering its head off.
LBJ: Can you pay any
attention to those lie detector tests?
JEH: I would not pay 100
percent attention to them. All that they are is a psychological asset in an
investigation. I wouldn’t want to be a part to sending a man to the Chair on a
lie detector. For instance, we’ve found many cases where we’ve used them-- in a
bank where there’s been embezzlement -- and the person will confess before the
lie detector test is finished. They’re more or less fearful of the fact that the
lie detector test will show them guilty. Psychologically there is that
advantage, of course, it is a misnomer to call it a “lie detector” because what
it really is is the evaluation of the chart as is made
by this machine and that evaluation is made by a human being and any human being
is apt to make the wrong interpretation. So I would not myself go on that alone.
If, on the other hand, if this Oswald had lived and had taken the lie detector
test and it had shown definitely that he done these various things together with
the evidence that we very definitely have, it would just have added that much
more strength to it. There is no question but that he is the man. Now with the
fingerprints and things we have. This fellow, Rubenstein, down there, he has offered
to take the lie detector test but his lawyer has got to be of course, consulted
first and I doubt whether the lawyer will allow it. He’s one of these criminal
lawyers from the West Coast somewhat like a Everett
Bennett Williams type and almost as much of a shyster.
LBJ: Have you got any
relationship between the two yet?
JEH: Between Rubenstein?
No, at the present time we have not. There was a story down there
LBJ: That he was in his
bar? Was he ever in his bar and stuff like that?
JEH: There was a story that
this fellow had been in the nightclub, that is a
strip-tease joint that he had, but that has not been able to be confirmed. Now,
this fellow Rubenstein, is a very shady character; has
a bad record; street brawler, fighter, and that sort of thing, and in the place
in Dallas if a fellow came in there and couldn’t pay his bill completely,
Rubenstein would beat the very devil out of him and throw him out of the place.
He was that kind of fellow. He didn’t drink, didn’t smoke; boasted about that.
He is what I would put in the category of one of those “ego-maniacs.”Likes to
be in the limelight. He knew all the police, in that White-light district
where the joints are and he also let them come in, see the show, get food,
liquor and so forth. That’s how I think he got into the police headquarters.
Because they accepted him as kind of a police character hanging around police
headquarters and for that reason raised no question. Of course, he never made
any moves, as the pictures show, even when they saw him approaching, this
fellow, and got up right to him and pressed his pistol against Oswald’s stomach.
Neither of the police officers on either side made any move to push him away or
grab him. It wasn’t until after the gun was fired that they then moved. Now, of
course, that is not the highest degree of efficiency. Secondly, the Chief of
police admits that he moved him in the morning as a convenience and at the
request of the motion-picture people who wanted to have daylight. He should have
moved him at night, but he didn’t, and they’re derelicts in that phase. But so
far as tying Rubenstein and Oswald together, we haven’t yet done so. There have
been a number of stories come in. We’ve tied Oswald into the Civil Liberties
Union in New York, membership into that and, of course, into this Cuba Fair Play
Commission … Committee … which is pro-Castro and dominated by communism and
financed, to some extent, by the Castro government.
LBJ: How many, how many
shots were fired?
LBJ: Any of them fired at
JEH: No. All of them at the
President, and we have them. Two of the shots fired at the President were
splintered, but they had characteristics on them so that our ballistic experts
were able to prove that they were fired by this gun. The third shot which hit
the President, he was hit by the first and the third, second shot hit the
Governor. The third shot is a complete bullet, and rolled out the President’s
head. It tore a large part of the President’s head off, and, in trying to
massage his heart at the hospital, on the way to the hospital, they apparently
loosened that and it fell on to the stretch. And we recovered that. And we have
that. And we have the gun also.
LBJ: Were they aiming at
the President?
JEH: They were aiming
directly at the President. There is no question about that. This telescopic lens
which I’ve looked through, it brings a person as close to you as if they were
sitting right beside you and we also have tested the fact that you could fire
those three shots were fired within three seconds. There had been some story
going around in the papers and so forth that there must have been more than one
man, because no one man could fire those shots in the time that they were fired.
We’ve just proved that by the actual test we’ve just made.
LBJ: How did it happen to
hit Connally?
JEH: Connally turned to the President when the first shot was
fired and I think in that turning, it was where he got
LBJ: If he hadn’t turned he
probably wouldn’t have got hit?
JEH: I think that is very
LBJ: Would the President’ve got hit the second one?
JEH: No, the President
wasn’t hit with the second one.
LBJ: I say, if Connally hadn’t been in his
JEH: O, yes, yes, the
President would no doubt have been hit.
LBJ: He would have been hit
three times.
JEH: He would have been hit
three times. On the fifth floor of that building, where we found the gun, and
the wrapping paper in which the gun was wrapped, had been wrapped, and upon
which we found the full fingerprints of this man Oswald. On that floor, we found
three empty shells that had been fired and one shell that had not been fired. In
other words, there were four shells apparently and he had fired three, but
didn’t fire the fourth one. He then threw the gun aside and came down. At the
entrance of the building, he was stopped by police officers and some manager in
the building told the police officers, ‘well, he’s alright. He works here, you
needn’t hold him.’ They let him go. This is how he got out. And then he got on a
bus, bus driver identified him and went out to his home and go hold of a jacket
that he wanted for some purpose and came back downtown -- walking downtown --
and the police officer who was killed stopped him, not knowing who he was and
not knowing whether he was THE man, but just on suspicion, and he fired, of
course, and killed the police officer. Then he walked …
LBJ: You can prove
JEH: Oh, yes, oh, yes, we
can prove that. Then he walked about another two blocks and went to the theatre
and the woman at the theatre window selling tickets, she was so suspicious the
way he was acting. She said he was
carrying a gun, he had a revolver at that time with which he had killed the
police officer, he went into the theatre and she notified the police and the
police and our man down there, went in there and located this particular man.
They had quite a struggle with him. He fought like a regular lion and he had to
be subdued, of course, and was then brought out and, of course, taken to police
headquarters. But he apparently had come down the five flights of steps –
stairway – from the fifth floor. So far as we’ve found out the elevator was not
used, although he could have used it, but nobody remembers whether it was or
whether it wasn’t.
LBJ: Well, your conclusion
is that (a) he’s the one that did it (b) the man he was after was the President
(c) he would have hit him three times except the Governor
JEH: I think that is
LBJ: (d) that there is no
connection between he and Ruby that you can detect now
(e) whether he was connected with the Cuban operation with money you’re trying
to …
JEH: That’s what we’re
trying to nail down now because he was strongly pro-Castro, he was strongly
anti-American, and he had been in correspondence, which we have, with the Soviet
Embassy here in Washington, and with the American Civil Liberties Union and with
this Committee for Fair Play to Cuba. We have copies of the correspondence, so
we’ve got him nailed down in his contact with them. None of those letters,
however, tells of any indication of violence or contemplated assassination. They
were dealing with the matter of a visa for his wife to go back to Russia. Now,
there now there is one angle to this thing that I’m hopeful to get some word on
today. This woman, his wife, has been very hostile. She would not cooperate;
speaks Russian and Russian only. She did say to us yesterday down there that if
we could give her assurance that she would be allowed to remain in the country
she might cooperate. I told our agents down there to give her that assurance;
that she could stay in this country, and I sent a Russian-speaking agent into
Dallas last night to interview her so that we’ve got her now and whether she
knows anything or talks anything, I, of course, don’t know and won’t know till
LBJ: Where did he work in
the building? On this same floor?
JEH: He had access on all
LBJ: But where was his
JEH: Well, he didn’t have
any particular office. He would … an order came in for certain books and some
books would be on the first floor, second floor, third floor, and so forth
LBJ: But he didn’t have a
particular place he was stationed?
JEH: No, he had no
particular place where he was stationed at all. He was just a general packer of
the requisitions that came in for school books for the … from the Dallas schools
there and therefore he had access, perfectly proper access, to the fifth floor
and to the sixth floor. Usually most the employees were down on a lower floor.
LBJ: Did anybody hear … did
anybody see him on the fifth floor or …?
JEH: Yes, he was seen on
the fifth floor by one of the workmen there before the assassination took place.
He was seen there, so that …
LBJ: Did you get a picture
of him? Shooting?
JEH: Oh, no. There was no
picture taken of him shooting.
LBJ: Well what was this
picture that fellow sold for $25,000?
JEH: That was a picture
taken of the parade and showing Mrs. Kennedy climbing out of the back seat. You
see there was no Secret Service man standing on the back of the car. Usually,
the Presidential car, in the past, has had steps on the back next to the
bumpers, and there’s usually been one on either side standing on those steps at
the back bumper. And whether the President asked that that not be done, we don’t
know. And the bubble-top was not up. But the bubble-top wasn’t worth a damn
anyway because it is made entirely of plastic and much to my surprise, the
Secret Service do not have any armored cars.
LBJ: Do you … do you have a
bullet-proof car?
JEH: Oh, yes I
LBJ: You think I ought to
have one?
JEH: You most certainly
should have one, most certainly should have. Because I have one here, we have
one in New York. We use it for different purposes. I use it here for myself and
if we have any raids to make or have to surround a place where anybody is hidden
in, we used the bullet-proof car on that because you can bullet-proof the entire
car, including the glass. But it means that you -- that
the top has remain up. You can never let the top down and it looks exactly like
any other car but I do think you ought to have a bullet-proof car. And, uh, but
I was surprised the other day when I made inquiry. All that I understand that
the Secret Service has had, has had two cars with metal
plates underneath the car to take care of a hand grenade or bomb that might be
thrown out and rolled along the street. Well, of course, we don’t do these
things in this country. In Europe that is the way they assassinate the heads of
state or with bombs. They’ve been after General De Gaulle, you know, with that
sort of thing but in this country, all of our assassinations have been with guns
and for that reason I think very definitely. I was very much surprised when I
learned that this bubble-top thing was NOT bullet-proof in any respect and that
the plastic, the top to it was down, the
President had insisted upon that so that he could stand up and wave to the
crowd. Now it seems to me that the President ought to always be in a
bullet-proof car. It certainly would prevent anything like this from ever
happening again. It doesn’t mean … you could have a thousand Secret Service men
on guard and still a sniper can snipe you from up in the window if you are
exposed like the President was. But he can’t do it if you have a solid top,
bullet-proof top to it as it should be.
LBJ: You mean, if I ride
around in my ranch, I ought to be in a bullet-proof car?
JEH: Well, I would
certainly think so, Mr. President. It seems to me that that car down at your
ranch there, the car that we rode around in when I was down there, I think it
ought to be bullet-proof. I think it ought to be down quietly. There is a
concern, I think, out in Cincinnati where we have our cars bullet-proofed. I
think we’ve got four, one on the West Coast, one in New York, on here, and I
think it can be done quietly without any publicity being given to it or any
pictures being taken of it if it’s handled properly, but I think you ought to
have, at the ranch there, it is perfectly easy for somebody to get on the
LBJ: Think all those
entrances all ought to be guarded though, don’t you?
JEH: Oh, I thing by all
mean. I think by all means. I think you’ve [got] to recognize, you’ve got to
almost be in the capacity of a so-called prisoner because without the security,
anything can be done. Now we’ve gotten a lot of letters and phone calls over the
last three or four or five days. We got one about this parade the other day that
they were going to try to kill you then and I talked with the Attorney General
about it. I was very much opposed to that marching … the White
LBJ: Well, Secret Service
told them not to, but the family felt otherwise.
JEH: That’s what Bobby told
me. But when I heard of it, I talked with the Secret Service and they were very
much opposed to it. I was very much opposed to it because it was even worse than
there in Dallas, you know, walking down the center of the
LBJ: Yes, yes, that’s
JEH: And somebody on the
sidewalk could dash out, even on Pennsylvania Avenue. I viewed the procession
coming back from the Capitol and while they had police assigned along the
curbstone, looking at the crowd, when the parade came along, the police turned
around and looked at the parade, which was the worst thing to do. They also had
a line of soldiers but they were looking at the parade.
LBJ: Well, I’m going to
take every precaution I can and I want to talk to you and I wish you’d put down
your thoughts on that a little bit. You’re more than the head of the Federal
Bureau, as far as I’m concerned, you’re my brother and personal friend. You have
been for 25 to 30 years, so I don’t want, I know you don’t want anything
happening to your family.
JEH: Absolutely
LBJ: So you just … I’ve got
more confidence in your judgment than anybody in town so you just put down some
of the things you think I ought to have and I won’t involve you or quote you or
get you in jurisdictional disputes or anything. But I’d like to at least
advocate them as my opinion.
JEH: I’ll be very glad to
indeed. I certainly appreciate your confidence.
LBJ: Thank you, Edgar.
Thank you.
JEH: Fine. Thank
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