Tuesday, April 15, 2014

JFK Assassination: Join a Constitutional Assembly in Washington, D.C., to Free the CIA/JFK Files on May 29, 2014

Op-Ed News

A peaceable assembly in petition for release of all Kennedy assassination-related records still withheld by the Central Intelligence Agency will begin on Thursday, May 29, at 12:30 p.m. on public terraces of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St., NW, Washington D.C.
Initiated by Karl Golovin, a retired U.S. Customs special agent, "the right to peaceably assemble, and petition for redress of grievances may not be suppressed or prohibited, as 'under color of law' by, for example, imposing inherently unconstitutional permit and regulatory requirements," says Golovin.
"In the United States, the government isn't to make people create an organizational hierarchy, submit plans and ask permission before publicly assembling to require that the government immediately change and stop doing something evil. 
Of course, the nature of governing authority through most of human history has been to avoid or manage criticism, to maintain absolute control and discourage public gatherings large enough to establish undeniable awareness of a need for change.  But in America, the Constitution says that if we have a grievance, we have the right to show up," he said. "Those we've placed in governing responsibility should welcome this process of receiving feedback and requiring their accountability – and not mischaracterize it as 'protesting' or 'civil disobedience.'"
Golovin is hoping many will heed this call to peaceably assemble and prompt the President to require the CIA's immediate release of the records. "If as many people show up as have expressed outrage about the government's conduct in this matter over the 50 years since November 22, 1963, the government will promptly release the records.  Peaceably assembling, not just online blogging and submitting written or electronic petitions, is the means provided by the Constitution whereby the American people may actually begin regaining control of our constitutional republic," Golovin said.
"There is no legitimate reason for continued withholding of information about JFK's assassination," said Golovin. 
"In 1985, sworn testimony in a Miami federal trial – never publicized by mainstream media – implicated E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and other CIA personnel in the assassination.  Before dying in 2007, Hunt taped his own confession – thin on details of self-described 'benchwarmer' status in the plot – yet implicating the involvement of not just Sturgis, but other CIA figures, including William King Harvey, David Sanchez Morales, and David Atlee Phillips.
"How can the CIA delay releasing operational or other records of those who have confessed or been so implicated in President Kennedy's murder?" asks Golovin. " 'National Security?' No, 'National Security' rather requires genuine unraveling of the lies that 'Oswald acted alone' and 'Ruby acted alone;' Even reining in the CIA to its original, intelligence-only mandate and terminating its operational duties, as recommended a month after JFK's murder by the man who signed into law establishment of the CIA, President Harry Truman." Golovin notes, "Trying to make the world a better place by just killing all the right people obviously hasn't worked so well.  The founders were wise to agree on the requirement in the U.S. Constitution that Congress, the peoples' collective representation – not just a president, or CIA – must  declare war prior to unleashing acts of war, like assassinations and destructive interference in the internal affairs of other countries.  We have moved far enough in the wrong direction since JFK's assassination; it's time to correct our direction."
Golovin said that in part due to the proliferation of social media, the people of the United States have become complacent and forgotten the power of simply showing up in large numbers. "The government can't treat assembly as civil disobedience. It is actually the height of civil obedience to peaceably show up and hold our government accountable," Golovin stated. "It would be highly uncivil of authorities to prevent or disrupt it."
Golovin remembers a quote by Kennedy, "One person can make a difference, and everyone should try."  He hopes hundreds, thousands, or more may heed that call.
There are no plans for speakers during the assembly. "This is not about people gathering to be entertained, and any making the effort to be here will no doubt already understand the issues at stake.  We have become far too comfortable with routinely gathering only online, or just to hear experts speak and then ourselves go home, buy more books and continue always studying, always preparing, yet perhaps never taking demonstrable action.  This assembly is about experiencing the importance and power of our collective presence, gathering in expectation that those in government will promptly initiate a meaningful response; release of the records," Golovin said.
Following the assembly, the group may disperse and peaceably reassemble elsewhere, perhaps at the White House or CIA Headquarters, "to emphasize the immediacy of our grievance," Golovin said. "In first assembling, we are creating a moment for spontaneity.  In that moment and those to follow, none should instigate or participate in disorderliness or violence - any persons doing so should be immediately shunned, as likely planted by others to discredit the assembly; this is a day for peaceably assembling, in petition for redress of specific grievances."
Golovin recently hosted on March 21st, during "Sunshine Week," showing of a film, "JFK: A President Betrayed," at the Goethe Institute in Washington D.C., followed by a video produced by Golovin and discussion of the potential for what he terms "Constitutional Activism" in the context of the JFK assassination records issue.
Concurrent with this press release, Golovin is placing on YouTube an updated version of the original video on this topic, which received about 1700 views after initial posting on January 4, 2014.  The current video may be viewed by going to the domain names www.HonorJFK.com or www.CrackTheNut.com, as are forwarded to the video, or on the link provided at the Facebook Event page for the May 29th assembly, as is easily reached via:  www.JFKvigil.com.
The video released by Golovin and related Facebook Event page issue a call to action:
"On JFK's birthday, peaceably and simultaneously assemble in communities across the U.S. and world, but especially on the public terraces of The Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C., petitioning by your presence for: 1) Immediate release, in full, of all still secret assassination-related records; 2) Reining in of the CIA to its original, intelligence-only mandate; 3) Establishing a specific date for annual, global recognition of John Kennedy's life by vigilance in ending the intimidation of government secrecy and the violence it perpetuates, shining the light of transparency in  governments everywhere."
Between this press release and May 29th, Golovin anticipates publicly displaying a sign and distributing flyers calling for the May 29th assembly:
1. On April 21st, 2014, at both the John F. Kennedy National Historical Site (JFK Birthplace) and JFK Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA;
2. On the morning of April 22, 2014, during the broadcast of "Good Morning America," from the Rockefeller Center, New York, NY.
3. Between April 22, 2014 and May 29th, on Pennsylvania Avenue, in front of the White House, and other appropriate venues in and around Washington, D.C.
On May 29th, Golovin anticipates release of a still further updated video, addressing matters to include E. Howard Hunt's confession and President George H. W. Bush's association with the CIA before his appointment as the agency's director in 1976.  Of note, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover took pains to carefully document that on November 23, 1963, "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" received an assassination-related FBI briefing, the day after JFK's murder. 
Also on May 29th, if all records related to JFK's assassination are not released on or before that date, Golovin anticipates calling for subsequent reassemblies on the public terraces of the Kennedy Center, on November 22, 2014, the 51st anniversary of JFK's murder, and thereafter as necessary, including on the date yet to be announced for filming of the 2014 Kennedy Center Honors.
For more information contact Karl Golovin at Twitter at @karlgolovin, Phone 305-531-8381,  email address removed; Website www.JFKvigil.com is currently under construction, but that domain address forwards directly to the Facebook Event page for the May 29th Constitutional Assembly in Washington. Copies of all posters/flyers are available for free download via http://www.JFKvigil.info..

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